Black Caps October Meeting
Steve Millikin Black Cap Veterans Group
Saturday, October 29, 2016
The Steve Millikin Black Caps will meet at the Golden Corral on Lawndale Drive on Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 8:00AM and the Black Cap program will begin at 8:30AM.
The Golden Corral will now offer Steve Millikin Black Cap Veterans with their outstanding breakfast buffet for $8.50. This price includes tip for the staff. Of course, it is not necessary to have breakfast to attend the meeting. Just come and participate in fellowship.
Al Stewart will be our event facilitator. Phil Koch will be our speaker and his topic will be the Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift 1948-49.
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We use the US Mail Service to send our 1st fall (September) and our 1st spring (March) meeting notices. For all other meeting notices, we will use the email address that you have provided. If you do not use email, then you will continue to receive the meeting notices by US Mail. Please contact Bill Clingenpeel at (336)288-8434 or email him at and ask him to add your email address to our distribution list. If you have an email address, and are not receiving these notices by email, then NOTE: Please check your spam blocker to ensure that you are not blocking these notices. Using the US Mail for these notices, instead of e-mailing them, costs our organization approximately 75 cents, multiplied that by 120 veterans and you have a substantial sum.